Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Vacation Begins

HAPPY NEW YEARS! Okay, so I know I haven't posted in awhile, but here goes ;)

So I made it safely to Ohio last Saturday, and I have had a blast so far. I am thoroughly exhausted. There was a beautiful sermon on Sunday by Pastor Mike Waters on what parents should teach their children.

We went on a walk in the lighted park last night. It was super super cold!!! I saw some people whom I haven't in awhile, and I got some really good poems down. :)
It was really dark outside when we went, so naturally, I wrote sad/scary poems. Here's one of them. :)

The Dark

I could swear something is behind me.
A simple step away
Breathing down the nape of my neck.
But I turn-nothing breathes.
Nothing lives.
It's just me and my shadow
Walking 'neath the leaves of the sleeping trees.
Wake up. Wake up, please!
Something is chasing me.
Save me. Save me!
There's something there, I know there is.
But I don't know what it is.
What are you, little shadow?
Why are you chasing me?
I'm scared. So scared.
Your footsteps are intimidating me.
Your breath slips down the collar of my shirt
Raising the hairs from a deeps lumber.
Help. HELP!

So yeah. It's a freeverse, but I like it.
I have to go now. Dinner time! Have a blessed new year! I hope you enjoyed today's brief post.

Blessings. <3

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Masquerade

Hey, everyone! I can't believe it's almost Christmas! This year went past so fast! It was Summer a couple days ago, I swear!
I can remember last spring like it was only hours ago.
I remember walking through the neighborhood by myself in the cold spring air, and listening to the birds.
I remember getting hired in May and messing up at almost every table, and I can picture what I wore some days.
Time passes so quickly.
Anyways, that was my nostalgia getting out.

So this Friday, I am having a party. I don't remember if I mentioned it before. It is going to be a Christmas Masquerade. I am pretty hyped.

On Christmas Eve, my family always eats crackers and cheese and that type thing, and watches movies until late. Then, on Christmas, we go to my grandma's house and basically eat all day long, while the men watch either football or golf depending on which is playing at the time. We exchange gifts have a great time overall.

I am going to Ohio in exactly 11 days to see my best friend ever, Hannah. We are going to go shopping, and skating, and we are going to a big party on New Years. I am super super excited. I can't wait to see her. We always have so much fun, and I laugh more in the days that I am there than I do the rest of the year. I don't have to worry about work, or church, or teaching, I can just relax and eat. I don't get a whole lot of time to read or write which kind of sucks, seeing as I love both, but we always stay up late, and watch movies, and laugh, and-of course-drive the parents absolutely nuts late into the night. I just can't wait to see her.

I would love to hear what you guys do for New Years and Christmas!!! I seriously would.
So, you know the drill. Email, chat, comment, and as always, click the plus one button below, and subscribe.

On a totally random subject, I recently discovered this A Capella band called Eclipse 6, and I have to say, I. Am. In. Love. They are amazing.
I particularly love their covers of  "I won't give up", "When I was your man", "Haven't met you yet", and "Just the way you are".

Totally check them out.

Thanks so much for reading! I love all of you guys! Have a great holiday season, and don't forget to subscribe!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Spoken Word

I saw this, and it was absolutely beautiful and convicting.

Spoken Word by Isaac Wimberley in Kari Jobe’s “Forever” (Live)

"If there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my brain has not yet reached the point where it could
form a thought that could adequately describe the greatness of my God,
and my lungs have not yet developed the ability to release a breath
with enough agility to breathe out the greatness of his love,

and my voice, you see,
my voice, is so inhibited, restrained by human limits
that it’s hard to even sing the praise of…  
You see… if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.

My God,
His grace is remarkable, mercies are enumerable,
strength is impenetrable, He is honorable, accountable, favorable,
He is unsearchable yet knowable, indefinable yet approachable, indescribable yet personal,
He is beyond comprehension, further than imagination, constant through generations,
king of every nation.

But if there are words for Him then I don’t have them.
You see, my words are few, and to try to capture the one true God,
using my vocabulary will never do,
but I use words as an expression,
an expression of worship to a savior,
a savior who is both worthy and deserving of my praise, so I use words.

My heart extols the Lord, blesses his name forever,
He has won my heart captured my mind and has bound them both together,
He has defeated me in my rebellion,
conquered me in my sin,
He has welcomed me into his presence,
completely invited me in.
He has made himself the object of my sight,
flooding me with mercies in the morning,
drowning me with grace in the night.

But if there are words for Him
then I don’t have them.
But what I do have is good news,
for my God knew that manmade words would never do,
for words are just tools that we use to point to the truth,
so He sent His son Jesus Christ as “The Word”, living proof,

He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation,
for by Him all things are created, giving nothingness formation,
and by His words he sustains, in the power of His name,
for He is before all things and over all things he reigns, holy is his name,
so praise him for his life…

The way he persevered in strife,
the humble son of God becoming the perfect sacrifice,
praise him for his death…

that He willingly stood in our place, that he lovingly endured the grave,
that he battled our enemy and on the third day rose in victory

He is everything that was promised,
praise Him as your risen king,
lift your voice and sing for one day he will return for us
and we will finally be united with our savior for eternity, eternity.

So it’s not just words that I proclaim,
for my words point to “The Word” and “The Word” has a name,
hope has a name,
joy has a name,
peace has a name,
love has a name
and that name is Jesus Christ.

Praise his name forever!"

You guys need to watch this. It is beautiful. It starts with a song by Keri Jobe, and then ends with the little speech above. The link is below.

Sniper Part 8

Part...8 I think of Sniper. I am getting into it again. Haha I am excited for the next scene. Can't wait to finally resolve everything. There will probably be only a couple more parts to Sniper. Then I will have to find something else to write. I can honestly say that I haven't had this much fun writing in a long time. Thanks to all of you who keep coming back for more. You make this worth the work. I may never publish a book, and I may never meet any of you, but if no one ever sees these, I know that you guys have. One-Thousand, Two-Hundred people have seen my stories, and that's enough for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Part 8, Sniper

“I can’t see anything.” Panic splashed through Anabelle’s words. “I can’t see anything!” She screamed.
Torment pulsated through her body, drawing her howls further into the void that was her prison.
When her eyes opened, she saw only a blood-drenched version of reality.
Blood. Blüd. He was here. He was here and he was hurting them. Everyone. The screams. The screams.
Over and over Anabelle cried out Alex’s name, hoping he had escaped so he could save her again. Guilt poured into her like a waterfall. He had already saved her several times over; by no means was he obligated to do it again.
He had no reason to.
“No one is coming for you, my dear.” as if reading her mind, Blüd spoke the words that she was too afraid to put to thought herself.
He kept coming back. She couldn’t shake his voice from her head. Her words quaked when she spoke. “Let me die.” she rasped. Even speaking sent showers of pain cascading over her body.
Blüd laughed that terrifying laugh again.
“Please,” she whispered, “Please let me die.”
“Never.” The syringe was dripping again, hovering inside her pale skin, trickling liquid into her bloodstream, slowly draining her of her life blood.
She knew the dreams would come soon. She could see them in the corners of her eyes, the breath that shallowly emerged from her rising chest. She heard them in the rasp of her voice and in the creak of the door as it opened and closed.
Despite the panicked thoughts that streaked through her mind, one kept materializing. She had to escape. She had to live. When her mother had died, her father had drowned in drink. He never really came back up. She had to survive. Her death would be the end of her father. She couldn't leave him like that. Memories zipped through her mind: her father stumbling into the house after a night of drinking, her mother lying pale and dead on the bed that had once been white-now covered in red blood. And Alex.
She had to help him. She had to find Alex.
Anabelle wrenched her arms up and winced as she felt the old leather bite into her already-raw wrists.
Pain erupted from her throat in a scream. With everything she had, she threw her arms up and dug her nails into the restraints. A crack snapped through her ears and the pain grew into something worse than she had ever felt. She stumbled from the bed.
The lock turned. she struggled behind the door, gripping the wall to steady herself. The door opened, concealing her, and as the figure entered, she slammed the door. The man cried out as the structure slammed into his unprotected temple. Cradling his punctured skull, he turned on her.
Anabelle quickly swiveled out the exit, shutting the man in. He yelled incomprehensibly and banged on the metal separating them.
She spun around. Three choices. Left. Right. Forward. Where did she go now?
The boat rumbled underneath Alex’s pained feet, causing him to shift uncomfortably from side to side. His heard thrummed in his chest. Anabelle was close and he knew exactly where she was. Blüd Enterprise. The old building where all this started.
James had wanted to come, but his legs were getting worse, and there was no way he could have come with them without slowing them down. No, this was something he had to do alone. Unaided.
Water splashed up into his face. Alex sighed with pleasure as the drops cooled his fevered face. The air that rushed into him blew his face back from his eyes, giving him a heroic look that he didn’t feel.
An hour later, he arrived. Stepping onto the land, he gazed up at the once-glorious construct. Gloomy boards covered the shattered glass windows, nails protruding from the ends. He closed his eyes, preparing himself for the rescue. He went over his plan: Get Anabelle, get Simon, get out.
Then, a scream shot through the air. His eyes flew open, and he jumped into action.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sniper part 7

Alrighty!!! So after a really long reprise, here is the next part of Sniper!!! I finally finished it. Not the whole story, just the next part.
Thanks tons for bearing with me!!! I need a break sometimes. I will try and get some more up in the coming week. Hopefully soon I can end it, and move on to other things.
Here you go. You guys deserve it. :)

Anabelle’s dreams surged through her mind, sending her body into spasms.
She sat in the dark, warm blackness washing over her, and then cold. As though she had been sleeping on a winter day, and someone had suddenly pulled the blankets off. She pulled her knees to her chest, and then spread her arms and legs realizing that she was flying. She crashed into the steel floor of a hospital.
A child’s laugh echoed off the walls, plunging Anabelle into shivers. Her blue-tinged view of the place blurred the edges of her vision, causing her to use the wall as a hand-hold. When she felt something wet slip over her feet, she jumped and her eyes flew to her feet.
“Barefoot,” she said, “Why am I barefoot?” Blood oozed out from between her toes, and she picked up her foot, watching it drip to the floor. Movement in her peripheral vision pulled her head up again.
The laughter.
Anabelle saw a little girl poke her head around the corner, looking at her, giggle, and then duck back.
“Come back!” she yelled. Anabelle rushed down the hall, pressing her hand against the wall. As she rounded the corner, the little girl’s back was turned to Anabelle. Anabelle stepped slowly closer, and when she saw something drip from the girl’s fingers, Anabelle grabbed her hand and held it in front of her face. Blood. The girl flickered and suddenly was facing Anabelle.
“Drown.” she said, and Anabelle did. Water was at her feet all at once, and it swiftly rose, so that soon it was at her ankles. She turned to run, but the opening behind her had disappeared and now she stood in a room devoid of windows or doors. The girl in front of her was swept away and soon disappeared, her obsidian hair the last thing of her to go. Anabelle ducked under the water to find the source of the flow, and after moments of looking around, spotted a covered drain that seemed to be detaining the water. She swam deeper and deeper, never seeming to get any closer, and then finally when she reached it, she pulled the plug. It seemed for a miniscule amount of time that the water level was going down, but then, when she looked again at the drain, a black cloud emerged. She put her face closer and found that it was not black, but deep read. Bloodred. It seemed to follow her no matter where she was.
The water and the room vanished and was replaced again by darkness. She looked down at the platform that held her feet, and saw her reflection in the black glass, then it shattered, and she was falling again.
Anabelle’s head shot up, bringing momentum to the rest of her body toward the ceiling, wrenched short of their destination when her restraints objected.
“Good morning, Anabelle!”
Anabelle’s tears blurred her vision, but the voice was unmistakable. Blüd. As her sight cleared, she bit her lip in terror as he looked down at her, a cruel smile on his broken face, pushing his scar up higher on his face so that it twisted grotesquely, making her wince.
He ran a thumb down her jaw bone. She swallowed a shriek that rose inside her.
“So, here’s what’s happening, Anabelle. This-” he held up a syringe filled with a bright purple liquid. “Is my creation. It took me quite a while to make, you know.” he paced to the other side of her, looking intently into the glass. “Do you know what it does?”
Anabelle glared at him, and he continued his monologue.
“It’s a formula puts the human brain into a dream state that shows them all of their fears at once. Only, there’s another thing. We can see them, too. Right here, on this screen.” he tapped a computer terminal with his palm, letting it slide down the side of the screen.
Anabelle’s eyes grew wide as she realized what was going to happen.
Blüd grabbed her wrist, flipping it over painfully, and lowering the syringe toward her popping veins. She struggled, and Blüd backhanded her across the face. Anabelle licked her lip, and tasted iron. Blood. Marcus slammed her arm back down onto the examiner’s table, and drove the needle into her arm. She barely had enough time to scream before the dreams came.
Anabelle stood on the edge of a skyscraper, a fierce wind blasting strands of her hair into a whip that cut her face. She whimpered and backed up against a pillar that stood behind her. When she turned to look behind her, she was gripping Blüd’s jacket as a cruel snicker made it’s way from his parted lips.
Screaming, Anabelle backed away from him, tipping precariously over the edge. As she zoomed through the air, her locks of hair rushing above her, all she could see was Blüd’s smiling face, taunting her. When she hit the bottom, she expected to be crushed to death. No such luck.
Searing pain pressed itself into Ana’s skin. She screeched as it rushed into her skull. When she managed to open her eyes, a red fluid finding her eyes, She took in the scene in front of her.
Alex lay defenseless on a table, his arms and legs and head held down, rendering him exposed. Thick red blood collected on the dips of his skin. To Ana’s great shame and horror, she herself was holding the whip. A hand settled on her shoulder, and moments later, another.
She wheeled around to face them.
On her left, Blüd. Grinning wide enough for Christmas. On her right, A tall, handsome man with jet black hair to match her own. Cruel, scared blue eyes stared back at her when she turned to him.
The frown dropped from her face as she realized who was looking back at her.

His lips smiled down into her eyes. “Hello, daughter.”
Alex rushed across the beach. Where had James put the damn boat?!
Earlier, when he had heard Anabelle screaming, he had shot up from his seat, causing pain to flood to his wound and he fell to the ground. He heard a moan and pushed through the pain to get to the top of the ladder. When he finally escaped the dark hole, the scene hit him. A bowl lay shattered on the kitchen floor, a dagger on the ground in the hallway, so close to the door. If she had only run a bit further perhaps she would have escaped.
Alex brushed his fingers over the blade, hoping that somehow this blatantly obvious reality was just a rabid nightmare.
“James!” he remembered. He rushed down the hallways and through doors, finally collapsing in despair when he heard yet another groan, followed by a choked cough.
“James?! Speak to me! I don’t-” he winced at the sudden pain in his leg. “I don’t know where you are!”
“Alex?” a dim voice droned, “You there? I’m-” cough, cough, “In the north room. I can’t-” he yelled through his teeth, “I can’t move! They shot me below my kneecaps!”
Alex stumbled to the indicated location and let out a relieved breath when he saw his friend yet breathing. He knelt to the ground, squeezing his eyes shut, and then opened them again to look at James.
“Hey. You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My legs are a little useless, but nothing a good swig of beer and some crutches wouldn’t fix.”
Alex nodded slowly, pondering their next move.
He slid his arm underneath James’ and helped him limp to a chair nearby. He handed James his case, and with a pat on the back, and the retrieval of several sanitary supplies, Alex began to walk out the door, grabbing a knife on the way out.
“Where are you going?”
Alex came back to stand in front of his friend. “I have to save her, James. I can’t say why, I just do.”
“Be safe, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”
Alex smiled and turned out of the door with a wave.
“I’m coming, Anabelle. Don’t worry. I’m coming.”

Friday, November 14, 2014

Tunnel of Sadness

Life is sad. I know that like sadness passes and all that crap, and like not everything is sad, but really, life is sad. People die, people are in pain, they get raped, killed, beaten, shot at, stabbed, there are so many different ways to be put in pain.
You know when you turn like fifteen or sixteen and you just have that moment where you wish you could go back to being a kid, where the worst you had to worry about was a scraped knee, or avoiding a spanking from your mom and dad? Wouldn't it just be better to stay in the dark? To just...stop having to worry about every little thing-what we look like, what we are doing one day, and not doing the next, when we are double booked, when our shift starts at's all so...suffocating! I don't know how people who are actually busy live with it! It's intoxicating. I mean, I only have a part time job, and I already am exhausted half the time. Is that a clinical problem? Maybe I just have a problem.

Anyways, so I am sorry about the delay in posts lately. I am having rather a...hard time finding inspiration. I literally decided to write this while I was watching a TV show.

So that was today’s post. If you would like to remind me how awesome my life is compared to yours, please email me. I would love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for reading. :)


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why Do We Write?

Hey, guys!! Yeah, yeah. I know I already posted today, but someone got me thinking about why I write. We were talking about apologies, and that type thing, and I was thinking that when I apologize, it helps me to write to the person-which doesn't help when they don't like to read, but you know-and so usually if I am apologizing to someone, or asking if they are okay, or just trying to see if we are good, I write them a note, or an email, or text or something.

So I was wondering if that's why I love to write. Why we write. So that is what this post is going to be about. Why we write. And I know some of you already learn about this stuff in school, but oh well. :)

So I think I personally write for three reasons. First of all, because it's fun. I can make things happen, and people do things and generally in the end, I end up having "Inside Jokes" with my characters, and so...yeah. You all probably think I am really really weird now, huh? Haha well bear with me. ;)

Second reason I write *stories* is because I can make the characters do whatever I want! I control, I guess. Maybe that's a bad thing, but it is so nice to be able to say "No, she gets a happy ending, this time, no, the bad guy goes to jail." And then it happens!!! :)
We can make everything okay for the characters.
Another thing is that maybe, when something is going wrong for you, and you feel like you don't have any friends to talk to, you can make someone with the exact same problem, and come up with a solution, and maybe they get a happy ending, and that just makes everyone happy. :)

The last reason why we write (or why I write) is because I am CREATING A WORLD!!! I whole world!! How amazing is that? That is pretty awesome. We are making new rules of logic, new customs, new laws. It always makes me feel awesome to create something that intricate, and that awesome thinking "man, maybe one day, people will be reading my book for a school assignment!" yes, yes, yes. I know, school books are boring, but you understand.

And for those of you who didn't know, I am thinking about majoring in ELA teaching in college one day. :) I love to help people, and I love English, so why not. :)

Anyways, so that was the extension of today's earlier post. :) Thanks tons for reading. If you guys have ideas for posts, or stories that you would like me to read, please please email me!!! I hate having writer's block!! It's the worst. :P So having something in particular to write would be awesome. :)

Thanks again!!

Blessings, see you tomorrow. :)

Thanks and Shoutouts

Hey, everyone.

No Sniper today. I think I am going to take a break for a bit. I am not in the mood to write today. Long day, and it is looking to be an even longer week.
I hope you all enjoyed yesterday's entry! I sure am enjoying writing Sniper, I just need a break sometimes. :)
So if you have any comments or questions about Sniper, please let me know. I would love to hear from you. I really do love hearing from all of you guys. It totally makes my day, and I could use that right now.

Many many thanks to SK-whom I have mentioned before in relation to the debate-who is messaging me a lot. It makes my day. :) Thanks so much. :)

Also, thanks to the rest of you who have been emailing me, and chatting, and just generally talking to me, and making my day better and better. :) You are all amazing people. :)

Also, a special special thanks to HW!!!! My best friend! She started a blog just a little bit ago, and I think it is just fabulous. :) Her blog is "If I could fly" and she doesn't post a lot, but what she has posted so far is just awesomeness :) Here's the link. so check her blog out! She is pretty much the most amazing and inspirational person you will bump into, and you should all subscribe to her blog.

So yeah, there's today's post. Thanks for readinggg :)

Check out HW's blog, and maybe I will post again tomorrow, if I have time. :) Hopefully more Sniper, soon.

Blessings <3

Have a great week.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sniper Part 6?

Hey, everyone! Sorry about today's late post! We had some technical difficulties here at HQ. Haha
So here is part...I think 6??? of Sniper. :) I hope you all enjoy it, because it took me a crap load of time to write. :)

Haha here you go. :)

Sniper, part 6???
Anabelle wandered into the kitchen to get them both some food and something to drink.
When she got to the table, she saw a neatly folded piece of paper. She snatched it up and unfolded it.
I take it he told you why you are here.
I’ll come back tomorrow to check on you. His leg looks fine.
Smiling, she folded it and replaced it on the table, so she could get their meal.
“Now gently lift me-argh!”
Anabelle smothered a laugh with her fist at his expression. “Sorry.”
He gasped and laughed with her. “It’s alright. Now slowly lift my leg, and put the cloth underneath. That’s it. Now dribble some of that alcohol on it.” She did as she was told and he gritted his teeth against the pain. New fresh blood oozed from the cut.
“There. Good. That’s good, see? The blood means any infection is out of the way.” He ran his fingers through his messy hair, “See, I told you you’d be good at this.”
“Yeah.” she said, laughing, “Next time, we’ll move to the more difficult things like amputating your arm.”
A mock-worried look crossed his features. “Maybe keep you on the little things for now, like...stab wounds...and poisons…”
Anabelle smiled, then looked around, unoccupied for the moment. “What is there to do around here?”
“Boring you, am I?”
Anabelle held her pointer and thumb an inch apart. “Only a little.”
He laughed and then put on a thoughtful face. “Hmm...well, I have a few books...somewhere.”
She made a face at him. “Got a violin?”
“Haha yeah, I’ll just go grab one from storage.” a breathy laugh. “No, I never really got into instruments. Music, yes, but...other peoples’ not my own. My mother used to play piano, and before he passed, my father would play guitar for their duets. Mom could do anything she set her mind to.” his fond smile vanished. “James says she doesn’t play anymore, though. A result of my absence, no doubt.”
Anabelle’s brown knit.”She doesn’t know where you are?”
Alex shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know where we are. I had James bring me here. Whenever I go back to the city, I have him blindfold me.
“I told my mother I was in some trouble and I had to leave, and that was that. James brought me here, and I’ve lived here ever since. I only ever went back to watch you perform”
A smile kissed the corner of her mouth. “You watched me perform?”
“Of course! I had to keep you safe. Your father’s bravery saved hundreds, but after he left Blüd Enterprise, he didn’t have the money to keep you safe. So I did it for him.”
“Which of my performances did you go to?”
“All of them.”
Anabelle gaped.
“And for the record, that guy you dated a few months ago-he was a total jerk. I approve of the breakup.”
Anabelle gasped. “All those times, you were there and I didn’t even know it.” She frowned. “Has Blüd tried to get me before now?”
Alex shifted nervously and chose to look at his hands rather than answer the question.
Anabelle scoffed. “How many times? Two? Three?”
“Five, but the third time, James took all the heat. I had the flu, and he wouldn’t let me help. I convinced him to let me see you play, but when I tried to protect you, he threatened to tie me up if I tried to help.”
“All those times.” she whispered. Her lip was going to split if she kept gnawing on it like this. She swept a hand across her face. “Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why protect me? And my dad! You don’t even know us!”
Alex looked at her for a long time before answering. “Anabelle, what Simon did...he had the courage to do what I could not. What I was too scared to do. If I had told everyone, Anabelle, I would have had the money to protect myself from Blüd. But your father...with nothing to speak of but a cheap house and a ten year old daughter...he did it anyway, and there is” he paused, taking a breath, “no describing how much I admire that. How much I regret not telling.” he slid his hand onto her cheek. “So...since there was no way for me to protect your father-he insisted on living a normal life- I had to protect the thing that meant to most to him and make it mean the most to me.” he cleared away Anabelle’s sudden tears with his thumb. “ conscience would tear me up.”
She raised her hand to his on her cheek and said, “But you’ve saved me five times now, Alex. You don’t have to do it anymore.”
He withdrew his hand from her face. “Maybe. But in my mind, I can never truly repay your father.” he took her hand and rubbed her knuckles, studying them. “Besides…” he said, looking up at her eyes, “I kind of like having you here. So you may be stuck with me.”
Anabelle laughed a little and opened her mouth to speak when a nearby crash caused her to turn her head.
“What was that? Get a whole lot of visitors out here?” she asked, smiling.
“No...only James.”
“I’m sure something just fell like a pot or something. I’ll go see what it is.” she rose to leave, and felt Alex’s fingers close around her wrist. She looked back.
“Here.” he whispered, handing her the kitchen knife. “Just in case.”
“Ha-ha.” she whispered sarcastically, taking the knife and moving to the doorway. She quietly stepped into the hall, and looked into the kitchen cautiously, holding her hair back so as not to allow it to swing into view.
Heavy footsteps alerted her to another’s presence nearby. Three men stood in the kitchen, and another knelt on the ground, teeth gritted in pain. James.
Anabelle gasped and ducked back behind the wall. When no one made notice of her sound, she glanced again. There was a tall man and two short men. The tall man had blood-red eyes and a jagged scar going down the length of his face.
She had seen enough. She carefully returned to Alex. When she their eyes met, her face told him everything.
“Help me up.” he whispered, urgently. She slipped an arm under his shoulder, and lifted him to a standing position. He nodded his head at the closet. “There.” Anabelle helped him to the doors which she slid open, doing her best to be quiet.
“To the left, there’s a handle on the floor. Lift it up. There’s a trap door where we can hide.
When she lifted the door, blackness roared up at them. They descended. Anabelle hated the dark, and when they both sat with relative comfort on the dirt floor, she gripped Alex’s fingers tightly.
“The water!” she said, looking frantically at where she knew him to be. “If he feels that it is still hot, he will know we are here!” she pulled herself away from him despite his protests. “It will only take a minute. I’ll be right back.”
Unable to move unaided, he said “Anabelle?” she turned. “Be careful.” she nodded and smiled confidently at him before leaving silently. She closed the hatch behind her.
Once topside, she snuck to the table where the bowl was. She carried it to the doorway where she searched the hall for the intruders. Once assured it was clear, she passed into the kitchen where she proceeded to dump the liquid.
She hurried about her job, glancing up every few seconds for her own safety. A shout alerted her to a predator. She dropped the bowl, shattering it, and took off down the hallway. She could hear the man in pursuit, his heavy boots thudding on the wooden panels beneath their feet.
She swerved unexpectedly around a corner and then another, finally finding herself lost among the maze of hallways. She sunk to the floor, gripping the knife tightly to her chest. A trickle of blood popped from her lip as her teeth dug into it, causing her to swallow the scream that welled up inside her throat. Then she heard him.
“Anabelle…” she shuddered and her breathing grew faster as she began to panic. That voice.
“Come back to me, my dear.” Tears rolled from her eyes, adding to the nervous swear that already drenched her face. Her dream came back to her mind, unbidden as she shivered spasmodically.
“Anabelle…” it was him all over again. He was getting closer. She could tell-she could hear him. “If you come out now, we won’t kill you.” he laughed, sending goosebumps cascading over her clammy skin. “We might hurt you, but I promise, it won’t kill you. Not just yet.”
Anabelle tried hard to hold back her sobs. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block him out.
“But what about poor James here?”
They came back open. Wide open.
“Here’s a new deal: If you come out now, we won’t hurt James.”
“No, Anabelle! Run!” James’s voice shot into her ears.
“If I were you, I would hurry. My men are a bit anxious to remove some of James’s fingers.” he was closer. “So I” closer “would” closer “hurry up” he was so so close. “if I were you.”
Anabelle plunged the knife behind her, around the corner, and as she tried to draw it back, found her hand clamped in place by another person’s fingers.
“Missed me.” As she turned, she saw that Blüd’s smiling face was mere inches from hers. She screamed as she struggled to get free, but his fingers-like the blood in her nightmare-would not be pushed away. Something heavy struck the back of her head, and just before her eyes shut, she thought she heard Alex screaming her name. He’s stuck. He can’t move, she thought, I have to help him out!
Then the black again.

Thanks sososososososo much for reading!!!! Thank you everyone! Haha It took me a while to write today's so I hope you all enjoyed it. The suspense is going to kill me, and I already know what happens!!! Haha I hope you all liked it!!!

Have a great night, and Lord willing, I will see you tomorrow!!!

Blessings <3 :)