Monday, April 27, 2015

Foster Care Lack of Prayer

Hello, gems. :)

So I have decided to maybe to daily or weekly prayer ideas, or something like that.

Anyways, today pray for the children in foster care. Pray that they would come to know how much they are loved by their foster families, and by Christ.
I am praying today specifically for the foster child of a family I know. Their child (Wolverine) has been in and out of the hospital since February, and last week he was finally getting better, and got to go home, but then a few days later, he developed an intestinal infection, and now he is back in the hospital. They began treatment this morning.

Please include this family in your prayers. Where many are gathered, there Christ will be also.
This woman is being so brave and strong and I admire her so much, and every time Wolverine gets hurt again, she gets torn. So pray that Christ would A.) Heal Wolverine, B.) Protect the family, and C.) Comfort Wolverine's foster mother.

Pray for me also, if you would. It seems I have picked up a little bug, and I have a pretty bad sore throat and congestion and all that fun stuff. Pray that I will get better so I can attend church, and work, and all my other duties. :) Thanks

I am working currently on Sniper again. I have not been keeping up on Sarah Seleky O.O I am a terrible person. Haha.
Really, though, I need to get to work some more. I was wondering what you guys think should happen next in Sniper?
We left off where Ana and Alex are both running. She thinks he is Blüd, and he thinks she is being dragged away.
I will be ending it soon, hopefully rounding it off to about 40 pages. A nice short story. :) Short...ish. Haha

So I know a lot of you college students are out of school now!!! Congrats to the Seniors who graduated this year! Way to hit that milestone! Praise God.

What are all of you doing this summer? I have July as the birthday month in my family, so I am bringing people out to lunch on their birthdays.

Also, we are having a lot of distant family come to visit for a graduation in the family, and most of them I haven't seen in years, so I am pretty excited for that.
And then sometime in August, we are hoping to go to Idaho to visit my grandparents.

I don't remember if I told you guys about my trying to eat healthy, but I AM! So yay! Haha It is going pretty well. I cheat every now and then like anyone who is on a diet will understand, but that's okay. As long as you are doing what you want, go for it.
Though I do not recommend that if you want to be an ax murderer. If you do, I would suggest you give up your dreams and invest in a really good therapist. Haha

Thanks so much for reading today, you guys! I really appreciate it!
Be sure to like this post, and subscribe so you can get more!
Also, comment and tell me what you guys are doing this summer! I am so excited!

Blessings in Christ. <3
Love you guys :)

1 comment:

  1. ax murderer. Is that someone who murders axes?? xD
